
Tarda de feina - Busy afternoon


Star of the month


It's difficult sometimes!

The Book or the Film?

Decoració de tardor

Learning every day

Treat Bucket Critters

Scottish studies subject outlined by minister

How NOT to manage conflict in the classroom

Know it all for trainee teachers

Revista Educativa 3.0

'No Pens' drive for pupils struggling with sentences

School notes

Nice Idea!

Working day and night

Green teaching

Funny decoration!

Ken Robinson: school kills creativity

Halloween Prek Pack

Another one!


Some resources

A family!

Super simple songs

So tired today!


Preparing Halloween

For my friend!

Another good and very easy Idea!!

Good Idea!


For ENglish Teachers

Choosing the best book for children

Changing Faces Toilet Paper Roll Dolls

Calendar Board Label

Good impression!!

L’autoritat del professorat

No full time jobs for 95% of new teachers


Fulles de tardor

Com dibuixar un arbre de tardor

Com fer una fulla d'auró

Ritzy Halloween Spider

Agulles de roba de Halloween - Halloween Clothes Pins

Vegetable Garden Watercolor Painting

I have to share this with you!!

ABCKit, una app per a nens d'entre 2 i 6 anys