Back to school

Vinga mestres, cap a l'escola. Demà milers de mestres tornaran a l'escola. Ho preparan tot per aquest nou curs escolar. Alguns d'ells començaran en una nova escola i altres, es tornaran a reunir amb els seus companys. Et vull desitjar un bon primer dia. Tot el que necessites és energia, entusiasme i pasciència. Saps que la recompensa serà gran. Ja ho veuràs! Confia en els teus alumnes!

Come on, teachers, back to school! Tomorrow, thousands of teachers will come back to school. They'll prepare all for the new school year. Some of them will move in a new school, and the others, will joint to their collegues. I would like to desire you a happy first day. All you need is energy, excitement and patience. You know what the reward will be great. You'll see! Trust in your students!
