Avui començo el curs: multimèdia i web 2.0. És un curs online del MEC, Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas. La veritat és que en tinc moltes ganes perquè ara he vist els continguts que donarem i semblen força interessants. Els mòduls que farem són:
Us aniré explicant o podreu percebre el que vaig aprenen. Crec que algú de vosaltres us servirà per aplicar-ho a la vostra escola.
Today I've started a course: multimedia and web 2.0. It's an online course from MEC (Education and Science Ministry), Educative Institute Technology. I'm glad to do the course because I've just seen the contents and I think that they are very interesting. These are the modules:
I'll tell you or you'll be able to perceive all that I'll learn in the course. I think you'll help in order to aplly in your school.
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