Ja arriben els Reis Mags d'Orient

Falta molt poc per anar a rebre els Reis Mags d'Orient!
Aquesta nit és màgica per molts nens i nenes i crec que també per molts adults. És molt bonic que la gent gran continuiï il·lusionant-se aquesta nit.
Si heu estat bons, demà al matí us trobareu bonics regals però si us heu portat malament, CARBÓ!! Sort que l'únic que he vist és de sucre!! 

Shortly the Three Magic Kings will arrive. This is a magic night for lot of children and I think for some adults. In my opinion it's very smashing that some adults having fun this night.
If you have been a good girl this last year, tomorrow morning you'll fine nice presents, but if you have been a bad girl, COAL!!! Luckily the only coal that i've seen till now it's made of sugar!!

Has estat bo?
Have you been good?
