Belfast 6

El divendres al mati teniem una xerrada. Ens vam explicar com funcionava el curriculum a Irlanda del Nord. El que m ha sorpres mes es que trien l escola segons la seva religio. N hi ha de quatre tipus: per catolics, protestants, de les dues i d altres religions.
Friday morning we had a Leisure. They told us about Nothern Ireland Curriculum, There was one thing that surprise me, they choose the school dependong on the religion. There are four different schools: catholics, protestants, both and other religions. 

A la tarda hem anat a l Assamblea, es una mena de Parlament.
In the afternoon we went to the Parliament. 

Ha estat molt interessant ja que ens han explicat com funcionava. Hem fet un roleplay imitant una votacio. Ja us explicare com ho fan.
It has been very interesting. A woman told us how works the elections, the votes... We did a roleplay in the vote's room. 

Dema anem a Dublin.
Tomorrow will go to Dublin. 
